Thursday 3 December 2015

Think You Don't Have a Green Thumb? Think Again!

The more I hear stories and testimonials about having or not having a green thumb, the more I think that a common belief of must having one in order to have success in gardening is merely a matter of will and self-confidence. 

What’s more, the entire gardening world seems to be divided into green thumbs and brown thumbs. How you probably want to ask how to turn your brown thumb green?

You have to realize that people are not born with impeccable gardening skills. Skillful gardeners improve their gardening abilities while doing their gardening work                                                                                  

So, let me give you a piece of advice on the issue of green thumb – quit complaining that you are not good at gardening and start learning more about how to become the lord of gardening by trying even harder. Thrust me, many years ago I stood at the very place where you stand today. And with the same question on my lips: “How to start my own organic garden from scratch?” At that time, I was a fresh starter and didn’t know much about gardening.

You know what I did? I simply started. Naturally, I made mistakes. But here’s a kicker, I’ve been learning from my own mistakes. This is what you too can do.

Feel free to leave your comment/question/suggestion on the topic of green thumb?

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