Friday 11 December 2015

Gardening as a Natural Therapy: Relax Your Mind and Body

Human society is capable of creating unthinkable accomplishments. At the same time, a reckless side of human activity produces harmful effects on plants, animals, and aquatic life. It is a kind of paradox that mankind is the biggest victim of its own actions. By neglecting their environment, humans will consequently destroy themselves.

For instance, one of the greatest health issues of modern society is stress. In their attempts to get rid of stress, people socialise, practice yoga, run, swim, meditate, listen to music, or laugh with friends and family members. I’d like to add here gardening as a potential anti-stress therapy, and a perfect way for you to relax your mind and body.

Press a Delete-Stress Key

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a delete stress key on a keyboard? Yes, yes, I know. Now you probably say that it could only exist in fairytales. I agree. Instead of running after Peter Pan in Neverland, I have another proposal to offer you. Grab your rake and do some gardening. It aids in relaxing and recharging your batteries.  

Meditate while Doing Gardening

Meditation is not necessarily related to static body positions. In my opinion, it is a state of mind and body all together. Try to mix – while watering your Chinese cabbage, Organic corn, or Broccoli, empty your mind, think positive and enjoy the moment.  

Get Your Body in Shape

Who wouldn’t like to look better? Besides feeling better, most people care about how they look like. Gardening is a great way to lose calories and increase healthy food consumption at the same time. However, don’t exaggerate or you might find yourself in trouble of getting a gardener’s elbow. This unpleasant injury is usually caused by repetitive flexion of the elbow such as lifting, carrying, weeding, digging, planting, etc. For that reason, when I do gardening I often take breaks and rest when I feel tired.    

Leave a comment and let me know what you think of gardening as a natural therapy.

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