Saturday 16 January 2016

Top Growing Veggies for Hot Climates: Meet the Four Musketeers

All for one and one for all!!! I’m sure that most of you are familiar with the famous line from the historical novel “The three musketeers, written by Alexandre Dumas in 1844. The line ends with the words united we stand divided we fall and with its first half it stands for virtues like loyalty and friendship.

The reason why I’ve started the post with an analogy on this literary classic (and its countless movie versions) is because my garden plants sometime remind me of Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D’Artagnan. In my opinion, perseverance and endurance are characteristics reserved not only for humans, but for all living beings. Therefore I made a list of four veggie musketeers which thrive in hot climates despite the unfavorable conditions for them.

Top Growing Veggies for Hot Climates: Meet the Four Musketeers

Colorful Okra

There’s much more about okra than colors and a catchy name. Easy to grow in fertile, well-drained soil, green and red okra varieties will make a nice contribution to your garden’s fireworks of colors.

If you decide to grow this super delicious veggie keep in mind that it requires full sun, regular watering and somewhat acidic soil. Okra will love you even more if you provide her with regular mulching and fertilizing.

Magic Beans

 Speaking of novels or fairy tales in this case, Jack and the Beanstalk is an English fairy tale known to most children in the world (you and me including). In a short note, it’s about a boy named Jack and his magic beans that once sown caused a gigantic beanstalk to grow high in the sky and above the clouds.

Maybe my childhood writes these lines in my behalf, but whenever I sow, grow and maintain my organic beans I spend a few minutes thinking about how it would be if we could live in a fairy tale like this one.

Hot Peppers

When talking about hot peppers all you have to know is how hot is actually hot. Depending on your tongue’s abilities and courage you may want to try out different levels of “hotness” in hot peppers.

But, if you are afraid of turning into a fire breathing dragon, then you may simply take a safer option and read what I’ve found out about some of the world’s hottest peppers.

Zucchini is a Veggie Lamborghini

Can zucchini be called a Veggie Lamborghini? Well, let’s see. It has a great flavor, it looks nice and smooth, and it’s extremely healthy. Can we draw a parallel between a Lamboand a zucchini? A good taste of many nutritious vegetables is not so far away from the good taste for powerful, nice-looking cars. 

I mean, in this case it’s a matter of taste after all. Mouth-watering zucchini is best to be eaten fresh or steamed, but you can also cook it or fry it. But did you know that zucchini is well known to reduce weight?

And when you lose weight you move faster, right? The same happens when you drive a Lamborghini. If we put things that way, then zucchini is more similar to Lamborghini than a simple rhyme could show.  

What’s your list of favorite veggies for growing in hot climates?

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