Wednesday 6 January 2016

Top 3 Beginner Gardening Mistakes!

We all make mistakes and nobody was born perfect. You know these lines. And I guess you also know that people should learn from their own mistakes. Or even better, everyone should not repeat somebody else’s mistake. Gardening is a learning process and nothing comes over night. So arm yourself with patience and positive energy and take a look at 3 most common beginner gardening mistakes that you should avoid.

Go Easy with Watering

You’ve just started your own vegetable garden and someone told you that you should water your plants as much as you can. What your kind advisor didn’t mean is that you should drown them. So, take it easy with plant watering and watch out that you don’tover water your plants. 

Don’t Sow Too Deep - You’re Not an Archeologist

Sowing a seed sounds like a piece of cake work, doesn’t it? Believe it or not, chances of making a mistake when sowing are not as slim as one may expect. Some plant seeds demand to be sown deeper than others. No matter what, trynot to bury the seeds 3 meters underground. 

Aziz, Light!

Aziz, light! Unless you pay careful attention, your seeds might shout out the famous line from Luc Besson’s hit sci-fi movie The Fifth Element. Most living beings, including the majority of plants, need light to survive. What you need to do is to determine the right amount of light exposure for yourplants.

It’s OK to make a mistake. Try not to repeat it. Feel free to let me know how you’re dealing with gardening mistakes.

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