Sunday 21 February 2016

Tomato Adviser: Problem-Free Tomato Growing in Humid Areas

You know the saying it’s easier said than done? I think those five words perfectly explain what an average gardener feels when growing tomatoes in humid areas. When coming across such a joyful idea, that gardener believes common problems which occur during the process of growing tomatoes are nearly insolvable. I believe they are not, which is why I’d like you to read how I managed to come up with an almost problem-free tomato growing in humid areas.

Diagnose and Treat Tomato Growing Problems in Early Stage

Carefully Choose the Right Tomato Variety

The first step is to decide which variety to grow. My suggestions for hot, humid climates are two red indeterminate tomato varieties Costoluto Florentino and Oxheart, and a red determinate tomato variety Seijk.  

The Same Goes for Picking the Planting Place

Pick the planting place with lots of morning sun and a light shade during the rest of the day.

Create a Partial Shade

You don’t want your tomatoes to look like boiled eggs, which is why you should make a partial shade if there is none at your chosen planting place.

Mulch is always welcome

Organicfertilizers such as compost, shredded bark, cottonseed meals, bone meal, and blood meal are excellent choices for increasing the quality of soil. The mulch layer around a tomato plant should be 5 to 7 cm thick.

You Can’t Win without Regular Watering

Stick your finger into the soil down to the first knuckle and check the soil moisture. Be heedful with the watering phase in order to avoid the possibility of over-watering.
Pick the Fruits Earlier

In case of a heat wave, pick the fruits from your tomato plants even if they are not completely ripe. The fruits with signs of ripe color are better to be left to finish ripening indoors.

Get Rid Of Pests and Diseases

In hot, humid weather conditions pests and diseases will spot your tomatoes and attack them. If you’d like to learn more about defending your tomatoes from pests and diseases then I advise you to read the post tomatoes against pests: who will win.

Did you find this post useful? Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on growing tomatoes in humid areas!

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